... And with the good also comes the bad. Our friend Andrew had a horrible accident and has a lot of damage to his vertebrae. He is working on moving his fine motor skills and regaining movement back in his legs at a rehabilitation center in Chicago. Ryan and I are going to a concert in Chicago in July and so we are planning on going to visit. Andrew is an extremely positive person and his sense of humor, positivity, and determination is so inspiring to me. It really puts life in perspective. Day to day life can get to exhausting, frustrating, trying, but then to see him not complaining about anything (accept having to hear pants at the new facility) makes me believe so strongly that God only gives us what he knows we can handle and it shows that Andrew is an amazing person that will do amazing things in his life. He is an inspiration to many people and it is people like that that I feel blessed to have in my life.
Jameson is up north for the weekend. My in-laws picked him up this morning for his first weekend at the cottage. Jason, Jameson's cousin (about 3 months younger), is going up too. This is just the first of many cottage weekends for Jameson. I can just picture the 2 cousins causing trouble up there when they are older. I am glad that he has a boy cousin his age on both sides of the family!
Going the whole weekend with Jameson up north is hard. Today after Jameson left I took some time to do some things I haven't been able to do for awhile, shave my legs, get a pedicure, and tanning!! So, yes, part of me is enjoying the extra "me" time, but by Sunday, I will be staring out the window waiting for the truck to pull up with my little man inside.
Next week I will be going to St. Luis with Ashley. I have never been there so I want to do the touristy stuff like the arch and City Museum, etc. Ashley has a friend from her home town that lives in the heart of everything and so we are staying with her. I am looking forward to the trip, but missing Jameson will be on my mind the entire time.
I know that no matter how old I get, I still feel like I don't know what I would do without my parents. They are amazing people, they both have such large hearts for other people. I am constantly still learning from them and feel like they are not only my role models, but my friends. I feel like they support me in everything I do, which I know I will do for Jameson everyday of his life. I just feel like I can never thank my parents enough. Simply saying "Thanks" is never enough. I guess just to trying my hardest to learn from them and be the best person is all I can do.

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