Brett was very excited to not have to be on a leash the whole weekend. She is getting better at listening the older she gets. She also did go into the water! Although she did only get her feet wet, she is such a baby!
Tuesday was back to work as usual and back to reality. We now have something going on every weekend for the next 7 weekends!! I do love summer, but I hate being so busy! I would love a free weekend to spend with just Ryan and Jameson, maybe going to the park, or zoo or something. Oh, and as for next year, we already know of at least 3 weddings next summer!! It never ends.
Kitchen Update: Ryan finished the tile last night and just has to grout in-between tiles. Tony came last weekend and worked on the electrical work for about 10 hours!! I cannot wait until our kitchen is complete, we began this on March 8th so we are almost at 3 months! Seems like forever. I will post some pictures of the progress soon.
Jameson is doing great, he was eating a ton for a couple days and now he is in his sleep mode, which will last for a couple days. He likes to put his arms out now when he wants to be picked up. It's hard not to pick him up but when I know he is tired I just walk away and let him go to sleep on his own, as hard as it is.
Well, I got called into work on my day off so I better go get ready on this very rainy day! Then volleyball tonight! Yay!!

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